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Bridge and distribution frame cable finishing skills
Time:2015.12.21 Views:
  First is how to organize cables bridge frame: in general, clean up the cable in bridge floor is not difficult, as long as we follow it directly in the direction of the smooth finishing can, need not be tied.   In addition, the main bridge of the cables are need to use the cable tie for simple strapping, used to distinguish the various floors of the building, and reducing the gravity pulling cable, so as to avoid to change its physical properties (heave degree, length, etc.) and electrical properties.

The second is how to clean up the cable in distribution frame, this part need to be subdivided into two sections:

  A: to sort out the front panel cable: if the switches and distribution frame in the same cabinet, simply choose the appropriate length of jump line, placed after the jump line to make A ring in line in the. Then both ends respectively connected to the switch and the distribution frame port, after completion of all connections, cover the cut line machine would be, if the distribution frame and switches are located in different cabinets, then you need to use a long jumper must jump line for finishing. In addition to the distribution frame and the switch need to use the principle of front panel line sorts through cable, vertical section should also use the vertical cut line machine.

  B: finishing rear cables: distribution frame at the back of the all levels of the network cabling system wiring, so there are a large number of cable needs to be sorted out. Under normal circumstances, each cables in the distribution frame after straightening out, should use cable tie strapping fixed in turn. Horizontal cable strapping fixed direction shall be left, so that the vertical part of the fixed on both sides of cabinet. And then, all the vertical part of the cable strapping fixed at both sides of the cabinet in turn. When strapping fixed cables, should be careful not to overly bent twisted pair, and don't tie the tie too tight, so as not to affect the electrical performance of a cable.
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